Minggu, 08 Desember 2019

Legal English


Nama: Balkis Eka Oktavianda
Nim: 1911111025
Class: Law C
Lecturer: Murry Darmoko M., SHI., MA.
University: Bhayangkara University

BANERET, or BANNERET. In English law. A knight made in the field, by the ceremony of cutting off the point of his standard, and making it, as it were, a banner. Knights so made are accounted so honorable that they are allowed to display their arms in the royal army, as barons do, and may bear arms with supporters. They were sometimes called "vexillarii." Wharton.

ATTACH. To bind, fasten, tie, or connect, to make fast or join, and its antonyms are separate, detach, remove.

LOOKOUT. A person who is specially charged with the duty of observing the lights, sounds, echoes, or any obstruction to navigation, with the thoroughness which the circumstances admit.

KINGDOM. A country where an officer called a "king" exercises the powers of government, whether the same be absolute or limited. In some kingdoms, the executive officer may be a woman, who is called a "queen."

INCORPORATION. The act or process of forming or creating a corporation; the formation of a legal or political body, with the quality of perpetual existence and succession, unless limited by the act of incorporation

SOUNDING IN DAMAGES. When an action is brought, not for the recovery of lands, goods, or sums of money, (as is the case in real or mixed actions or the personal action of debt or detimie,) but for damages only, as in covenant, trespass, etc., the action is said to be "sounding in damages."

EMPLOYER. One who employs the services of others; one for whom employees work and who pays their wages or salaries. The correlative of employee."

KIDNAPPING. At common law, the forcible abduction or stealing and carrying away of a person from own country to another.

ARRANGEMENT. A setting in order. Plan for corporate reorganization proposing to affect a composition or extension of time with reference to corporation's unsecured debts.

OCCASION, v. To cause or bring about by furnishing the condition or opportunity for the action of some other cause.

KALENDAR. An account of time, exhibiting the days of the week and month, the seasons, etc. More commonly spelled "calendar."

TRAILER. A separate vehicle, not driven or propelled by its own power, but drawn by some independent power; a semi-trailer is a separate vehicle which is not driven or propelled by its own power, but, which, to be useful, must be attached to and become a part of another vehicle, and then loses its identity as a separate vehicle

ABSOLUTISM. In politics. A system of government in which public power is vested in some person or persons, unchecked and uncontrolled by any law, institution, constitutional device, or coordinate body

VALIDITY. Legal sufficiency, in contradistinction to mere regularity.

INCAPACITY. Want of capacity; want of power or ability to take or dispose; want of legal ability to act.

ADJUDICATION. The giving or pronouncing a judgment or decree in a cause; also the judgment given.

NATIONAL. Pertaining or relating to a nation as a whole; commonly applied in American law to institutions, laws, or affairs of the United States or its government, as opposed to those of the several states.

DEPOPULATION. In old English law. A species of waste by which the population of the kingdom was diminished. Depopulation of houses was a public offense.

ADVANTAGE. Any state, condition, circumstance, opportunity, or means specially favorable to success, prosperity, interest, reputation, or any desired end.

1. Blacks Law Dictionary by Henry Campbell Black, M. A